Sunday, April 1, 2012

HAT explained

Human Animotional Technology merges the use of virtual reality video gaming with the science of human emotions. The goal is to identify what a student instinctively focuses on when navigating a virtual world that does not have a goal of a high score. Scoring only provided subjective data that guides a student into an area of study, exposing them to an unlimited range of experiences that will assist in providing a more purposeful adult.

In each scenario, students are exposed to ethical dilemmas, creative thinking and analytical as well as logical problem solving scenarios.

Additionally, children are exposed to other languages, up to three at a time and the focus is narrowed based on the child ability to comprehend and retain the dialect. Parents may also request their child be exposed to their ethnic language as well, making the possibility of learning a new language go well beyond just

This model combines classroom instruction with cyber schooling and virtual experiences.

Class room instruction will always be necessary, however as technology advances, students are able to learn more effectively through computer based learning than in actual classrooms. However, classroom instruction will be invaluable to providing a real life situation in which the students will learn face to face communication skills, life skills (budgeting, life economics with money and time) emotional wellbeing instruction, physical education and sympathetic training.

Class room instruction will also be invaluable for providing feedback to computer based learning. Classroom instruction will also be necessary application of information learned virtually.

Students will also discontinue being classified by grade and will not be limited to structural advancement through classes. Instead students will be committed to four years with an additional year for advanced placement testing. Students may test out of any subject at any time or may opt out of one area to gain exposure to another more specific to their interest.

Social clubs will also be a necessity, and will contain a set number of students from several areas of interest. Each social club will be presented to various community service projects. Some of these projects may include physical labor in the community to working toward creative solutions in the local community. Other clubs may be involved in more research based projects tasked to measuring the effectiveness of various programs in the area. Other clubs will be tasked to a more emotional side of community service, working at local hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Students will be monitored by a mentor through the projects, helping to identify the areas in which students need to develop more thoroughly. This feedback will be brought to a review committee who will determine at what level the student should be exposed to a scenario in their virtual experience.

Teachers a

The beginning

Knowing what you want to do in this world is a difficult journey of self discovery, self reflection and a little luck. Time is of the essences, for taking too long to figure out what you truly want to do, or waiting to long to change direction, can cost wasted time. This is why parents generally are looking for their child talents at a young age, encouraging them to discover that inner voice that will provide them with a much shorter journey and the potential to contribute something to the world that has purposefulness.

Purposefulness is the goal of this generation. History proved that living for what makes you happy, living for what makes you feel good, doesn't necessarily provide a purposeful contribution to the world. Society went through many years struggling with materialism, consumerism, marketing, and economic struggles seeking "happiness" until the entertainment began turning society into andreniline junkies, seeking the rush of the shock factor, no matter what that was. Eventually the government needed to find something that would help society feel something again. To have an emotional response that provided purposefulness instead of desensitizing them to tragedy, pain and suffering.

HAT U was started...Human Animotional Technological University.

This program initiated into the school curriculum from the age of 3 begins with preschool children. To receive any government assistance and funding, the school commits to introducing children to several areas of creativity. Make believe, art, music, etc. Teachers are trained to identify the areas where a childs interest is heavily directed and focused. From there the information continues through the primary years, enabling a child to continue investigating the areas of interest. Each time an interest changes or as interests are added to the focus, the information is recorded into a childs record. Once the child enters the secondary school years, the information is proposed into several areas of focus and the school curriculum is centered around these unique interests for the child. At this time many aspects specific to the area of study are introduced for the first time...Physics, History, Writing, Communication, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, etc. This is also where HAT begins.

Students for 60 minutes each day enter a virtual reality world where they try on different "hats" to discover where there talents are, some weaknesses, gain confidence and identify potential new interests or gain a realistic perspective on the what is involved in a certain profession. One day a child may decide they want to be a doctor and through virtual reality are exposed to various scenarios in working in a medical field. For those areas that may require an advanced education, a mentor steps in and guides the student through that series of scenes. Many factors are measured as the student is navigating their way through.

Upon completion of secondary school, the student has had the opportunity to try on many occupations and discover which through various emotional and technical feedback, is the best area to focus their studies on.

The first year out of high schools, students are sent to Pre-University where they participate in a type of boot camp training that increases their physical well being as well as their emotional stability, as they continue to test out areas of work that interest them.

Example, a student may have a heavy focus on construction. However construction can span a wide variety of areas that involve everything from history and art to science and engineering, as well as agriculture and environmental sustainability.